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Imaging Spr in the Ellipsometric Mode for Biomolecular Interaction Studies I




app28 fig01

Ellipsometric contrast Oil | DMPE | water

app05 fig02 new

 Frontview Nanofilm_ep4

app28 fig02

 Thickness map Air | OTS | SiO₂ | Si


 app28 fig03

Delta map Air | Graphene | SiO₂ | Si


app28 fig04

Thickness map Air|PEDOT|ITO|PET-foil

 app28 fig05

Psi-map Air|Photoactive layer|PET

 app05 fig02 new

Perspective Nanofilm_ep4

 app28 fig06

Delta map Air|Graphene|SiO2|Si

app28 fig07 

Thickness map Air|PCBM(spin-coated)|gold

app28 fig08 

Thickness map Air|PEG-SH|gold

 app28 fig09

Knife edge illumination Air|glass


Measurement procedures : 

Imaging ellipsometry Delta and Psi maps


 app28 fig10

Recording a Delta-map 

 app28 fig11

app28 fig12

app28 fig13

Imaging ellipsometry

 app28 fig14

maps measurement procedures: patented Regions of Interest (ROIs) concept 


Regions of interest

app28 fig15

app28 fig16

app28 fig17


Why nulling ellipsometry?


Nulling Ellipsometry advantage 1:

• highest sensitivity for ultra-thin films

app28 fig18

Nulling Ellipsometry advantage 2:

• highest accuracy

app28 fig19

Nulling Ellipsometry advantage 3:

• good for imaging – enhanced ellipsometric contrast

app28 fig20


applications of imaging ellipsometry 


Typical application of Imaging ellipsometry


app28 fig21


Typical application

antigen/antibody interaction at the surface of optislides 

The nanofilm_optislides are especially designed glass slides with optimal optical properties for measurements of bio-relevant layers - e.g. proteins, DNA, lipids, etc.

app28 fig22


Kinetic/SPR-cell with optislides 

 app28 fig23

Association at various analyte concentrations

app28 fig24

Association at various analyte concentrations

 app28 fig25

Array generato 

- software wizards for easy ‘region of interest’ pattern

- generation on symmetric rectangular microarrays

- definition of spot and reference regions

app28 fig26


Lipopeptides derived from HIV and SIV mimicking the prehairpin intermediate of gp41 on solid supported lipid bilayers 

<Schuy S, Schäfer E, Yoder NC, Kumar K, Vogel R, Janshoff A (2009) Lipopeptides derived from HIV and SIV mimicking the prehairpin intermediate of gp41 on solid supported lipid bilayers. Journal of Structural Biology 168, 125–136>

Time course of the D values obtained from ellipsometric measurements during the in situ coupling reaction of simian immunodeficiency Virus (S-N36) and human immunodeficiency virus (H-N369) to a lipid bilayer composed of 90% DOPC/10% MCC-DOPE (DOPC*) and subsequent adsorption of potential antagonists of the trimer-of-hairpin conformation C34 and as a function of time


 app28 fig27


simian immunodeficiency Virus (S-N36)

 app28 fig28

human immunodeficiency virus

 app28 fig29

app28 fig30


app28 fig31

Supported Lipid Bilayers at Skeletonized Surfaces for the Study of Transmembrane Proteins 

<Fabre RM, Okeyo GO, Talham DR (2012,) Supported Lipid Bilayers at Skeletonized Surfaces for the Study of Transmembrane Proteins. Langmuir 28, 2835-2841>


SPREE analysis of BK ion channel incorporation into lipid membranes


app28 fig32

app28 fig33

Free vesicles were then removed with buffer rinsing

app28 fig34

BK ion channel incorporation into lipid membranes supported on zirconium phosphonate modified surfaces

app28 fig35

The membrane was again rinsed with buffer. The buffer used was trizmahydrochloride and sodium chloride at pH 7.4..

app28 fig36

app28 fig37



Differential Protein Assembly on Micropatterned Surfaces with Tailored Molecular and Surface Multivalency

<Valiokas R, Klenkar G, Tinazli A, Tamp R, Liedberg B, Piehler J (2006) Differential Protein Assembly on Micropatterned Surfaces with Tailored Molecular and Surface Multivalency. ChemBioChem 7, 1325 – 1329..>

Multivalent chelator head groups

app28 fig38

Multivalent chelator head groups

app28 fig39

Multivalent chelator head group

app28 fig40

Microstructured functional protein arrays


µ-contact printing combined with piezo-dispensing

app28 fig41


Thickness maps

Spotted bis-NTA density array (0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 mol% in matrix)

app28 fig42

Immobilization of ifnar2-H10 and ligand binding

app28 fig43

Bis-NTA density array, SPR imaging

app28 fig44

mono- and bis-NTA density array

app28 fig45

mono- and bis-NTA density array

app28 fig46

mono- and bis-NTA density array

app28 fig47


 DNA – bar-coding of vesicles for bio chip application

<Klenkar G, Brian B, Ederth Th, Stengel G, Höök F, Piehler J, Liedberg B (2008) Biointerphases 3: 29-37.>


DNA – bar-coding of vesicles for bio chip application

app28 fig48

app28 fig49

app28 fig50

app28 fig51

app28 fig52

app28 fig53

Time dependency, adsorption kinetics, biomolecular interaction

app28 fig54

app28 fig55

app28 fig56

app28 fig57

app28 fig58


 A microarray chip for label-free detection of narcotics 

<Klenkar G, Liedberg B (2008) Anal Bioanal Chem 391:1679–1688.>

app28 fig59

app28 fig60

app28 fig61

app28 fig62


Characterization of physical properties of supported phospholipid membranes  

<HOWLAND MC, SZMODIS AW, SANII B, PARIKH AN. (2007) Characterization of physical properties of supported phospholipid membranes using imaging ellipsometry at optical wavelengths. Biophys J. 92, 1306-17>


Supported lipid bilayer

A lipid bilayer is a thin polar membrane made of two layers of lipid molecules. These membranes are flat sheets that form a continuous barrier around cells. The lipid bilayer is one of the most important self-assembled structures in nature.

app28 fig63

Solid supported lipid bilayers are an excellent model system for studying the surface chemistry of membranes and cell. A wide variety of surface-specific analytical techniques can be used to investigate processes such as cell signaling, ligand–receptor interactions or enzymatic reactions occurring at the cell surface

Photopattern of supported phospholipid membrane

app28 fig64

app28 fig65

app28 fig66

Biomolecular interaction at model membranes

Ganglioside GM1 interacting with cholera toxin B sub-units

app28 fig67

app28 fig68

DPPC = 1,2-Dipalmitoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine

app28 fig69

app28 fig70


Endpoint analysis via Imaging SPREE (high density protein arrays, >2500 spots, label-free, in situ) 

app28 fig71

app28 fig72

app28 fig73

Quality control of protein micro arrays

Quality control of protein spots (micro array)


app28 fig74

app28 fig75

Ellipsometric contrast micrograph

app28 fig76

app28 fig77

Delta map

app28 fig78

app28 fig79

Delta map: digital zoom

app28 fig80

Delta map: profil

app28 fig81

Thickness map, sample A

app28 fig82

Thickness map, sample B


app28 fig83

app28 fig84

new cells and accessories


 app28 fig85

app28 fig86

app28 fig87

app28 fig88

app28 fig89



The new imaging ellipsometer


A modular platform allows us building the instrument according to your Scientific needs!

Start your experiences with imaging ellipsometry with the single wavelength version.


Technical Integration with QCM-D from Q-Sense


app28 fig90

The new instrument offers a broad range of Unique features!


Active vibration isolation halyconics_variobasic_40 Supportframe halcyonics_bam/ie

app28 fig92

Accessories imaging SPR in the ellipsometric mode

• KineticSPR cell

• Microfluidic

app28 fig85

app28 fig93

Accessories in situ

• Various S/L cells

• Temperatur control

• Liquid handling

• Electrochemistry upgrades

app28 fig94