CeNSE_IISc piezoelectric force microscopy LaAlO3 GaP Calcite Yeditepe Kevlar CNT Piezo fifber KPFM chemical_compound Polyaniline Vac Anneal HumanHair 2-vinylpyridine Biology Molybdenum CaMnO3 Lateral SetpointMode SAM Hexacontane Nanostructure ScanningKelvinProbeMicroscopy Mosfet STM Electrical&Electronics Copper Vortex MESA structure HexagonalBN ElectroChemical LiBattery
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Spincast layer of PS/LDPE blend on Si.
Scanning Conditions
- System: NX20
- Scan Mode: Tapping
- Cantilever: AD40AS (k=40N/m, f=180kHz)
- Scan Size: 10μm×10μm
- Scan Rate: 0.5Hz
- Pixel Size: 512 × 256
- Scan Mode: Tapping
- Cantilever: AD40AS (k=40N/m, f=180kHz)
- Scan Size: 10μm×10μm
- Scan Rate: 0.5Hz
- Pixel Size: 512 × 256