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Will you be the next Park AFM Scholar?

Program currently open to ALL regions around the world!


If you are a graduate student or postdoctoral scholar working in a field that involves nanoscale research, apply for a scholarship from Park Systems!

We are awarding scholarships of up to $500 USD to Park Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Scholars who share research performed with a Park AFM with others in the nanoscience community. The total amount to be awarded will depend on a jury evaluation to consider the quality of the proposed research presentation, as well as the venue(s) where it will be presented.

Awardees will be graduate students or postdoctoral researchers that have demonstrated the use of a Park AFM instrument in their studies. Applicants are expected to share any meaningful data acquired using a Park AFM instrument (please note the Park model used in the application and in your paper), the event(s) or conference(s) where they plan to present their paper, and note the scientific journals or publications the paper has been, or will be, submitted to. You can use this downloadable version of our logo for inclusion in your presentation.

If you need help finding a Park AFM to perform qualifying research, contact us and we can help find one near you.

To apply, fill out the online application form located below. Please submit your presentation title and abstract before your presentation date. You will be asked to submit a Proof of Completion form after presenting, to provide official confirmation from conference organizers.

Park Systems is a leading manufacturer of scientific instruments for nanoscale research, including AFM systems. We aim to support the next generation of trail blazers in nanoscience by encouraging young researchers to share and discuss their work as freely as possible.


Don’t wait, apply for your scholarship today!

Have questions? Need help finding a Park AFM system near you?


Contact us:
Americas: inquiry@parksystems.com / Tel: +1-408- 986-1110
Europe: pse@parksystems.com / Tel: +49 (0) 621 490896-50
Asia: psc@parksystems.com / Tel: +82-31-546-6800
India: psin@parksystems.com / Tel: +91-96869-514640

Note: Limit 1 award per research department.

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Name *

Tell us about your research

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In the event your application is qualified by our review panel, proof of completion of the proposed presentation (e.g., photos, attendee list, event program, session chair signature) will be required to collect your scholarship award. Awardees who accept any coverage of their research in NanoScientific magazine extended to them must also provide Park Systems with a completed version of the research paper based on the qualified abstract submitted during application.