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Park Systems, a global leader in atomic force microscopy (AFM), is proud to announce that CEO, Dr. Sang-il Park, has been honored with the prestigious Hanyang Paiknam Prize. This accolade is bestowed by Hanyang University to individuals who have made significant contributions to the advancement of education and research, Korean culture, and society.


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The Hanyang Paiknam Prize, established in 2013, commemorates the spirit of Paiknam Kim Lyun-joon, the founder of Hanyang University. Winners of this esteemed prize are celebrated for their exceptional contributions to the Korean society and beyond. Dr. Park joins a distinguished list of past laureates, including former presidents, prominent business leaders, and renowned artists.

Dr. Park expressed his profound gratitude upon receiving the prize, reflecting on his blessed journey from aspiring to be a scientist like Edison in his childhood to establishing Park Systems, a pinnacle in the world of nanotechnology. His educational and professional odyssey, marked by significant milestones and challenges, epitomizes a life of relentless pursuit of knowledge, innovation, and contribution to society and the nation.

“Receiving the Hanyang Paiknam Prize is a significant marker in my life, a testament to a journey marked by challenges, innovations, and contributions to the field of nanotechnology,” said Dr. Park. “I am immensely grateful and consider this as an impetus to aim higher, contributing further to the global stature of South Korea and the advancement of nanotechnology for the better world...<Continue Reading>

In his acceptance speech, Dr. Park recounted the pivotal moments of his life, from his academic pursuits at Stanford to the establishment of Park Systems, and its ascension as a globally recognized leader in AFM. He paid tribute to his supportive network, including his dedicated team at Park Systems and his family, underscoring the collective effort behind individual achievements.

Park Systems, under Dr. Park's visionary leadership, has been instrumental in pushing the frontiers of nanoscale characterization, contributing significantly to global advancements in nanometrology. The Hanyang Paiknam Prize underscores Dr. Park’s lifelong contributions, aligning with the legacy of Paiknam Kim Lyun-joon and Hanyang University's tradition of excellence.

The Hanyang Paiknam Prize continues its tradition of celebrating exceptional contributions, accompanied by a 100 million KRW cash prize in the engineering sector, inspiring future generations to embody the spirit of innovation, contribution, and societal advancement encapsulated in the legacy of its founder, Paiknam Kim Lyun-joon.

About Park Systems Corp. (KOSDAQ: 140860)
Park Systems is a world-leading manufacturer of atomic force microscopy (AFM), ellipsometry and other nano metrology systems with a complete range of products for researchers and engineers in the chemistry, materials, physics, life sciences, semiconductor, and data storage industries. Its mission is to enable nanoscale advances for scientists and engineers solving the world's most pressing problems and pushing the boundaries of scientific discoveries and engineering innovations. Customers of Park Systems include most of the world's leading semiconductor companies and national research universities in Asia, Europe and the Americas. Park Systems is a publicly traded corporation on the Korea Stock Exchange (KOSDAQ) with corporate headquarters in Suwon, Korea, and regional headquarters in Santa Clara, Mannheim, Paris, Nottingham, Beijing, Tokyo, Singapore and Bengaluru. To learn more, please visit http://www.parksystems.com.