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Discovering Advanced AFM (Bologna, Italy)

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Discovering Advanced AFM

International Workshop on Atomic Force Microscopy

12 October, 2017 at Centro Congressi Area della Ricerca CNR, Bologna, Ital

Registration closes on Monday, October 9, 23.59

Organized together with the facility SPM@ISMN of ISMN Bologna and supported by the Italian Society for Microscopical Science (SISM).

Local organizing committee: Dr. Cristiano Albonetti, Dr. Marco Brucale, Dr. Eva Bysternova, Dr. Denis Gentili and Dr. Francesco Valle


Centro congressi Area della Ricerca CNR di Bologna
Via P. Gobetti, 101 40129 Bologna – Italy
Begin: 13:00

As the demand in characterizing small structures on a nanometer level continuously grows, AFM technology is constantly updated with innovative features and increasing performance.
In this workshop, we will cover the wide range of applications for AFM tools used in physical chemistry, material science, molecular and cell biology, and many more.

The workshop includes: 

  • Scientific talks on the advances in AFM research field
    Invited Speaker:
    o Dr. Loredana Casalis, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste
    o Dr. Francesco Valle, CNR-ISMN Bologna
    o Prof. Massimo Bonini, University of Florence
    o Dr. Tobias Cramer, University of Bologna
  • Technical presentation on the latest development in AFM technology
    Presented by Dr. Sang-Il Park, CEO Park Systems
  • Round table discussion
  • Live AFM Demo on NX10 Park AFM
  • Conference dinner


The event is open to all interested parties and includes refreshments and a conference dinner (upon registration).

We are very excited to welcome you on 12 October in Bologna and share with you our AFM experience and challenges!

About CNR – ISMN

ISMN is a CNR research institute internationally renowned for its multidisciplinary activities in the field of nanostructured materials and enabling processes and technologies.

The well-assessed and broad multidisciplinary culture in the chemistry and physics of nanostructured materials and in the enabling processes and technologies, make ISMN capable of pursuing research challenges with significant social and economic impact. The strategic research lines of ISMN are:

  • Nanomaterials and enabling processes for sustainable manufacturing
  • Materials and technologies for the sustainable conservation and fruition of Cultural Heritage
  • Flexible and wearable organic and hybrid electronics and photonics
  • Materials and technologies for the environmental sustainability and energy efficiency and sustainability
  • Nanostructured materials and bioelectronic devices for the health and quality of life
  • Magnetic nanostructured hybrid materials and systems


ISMN integrates transversal key enabling technologies, which include advanced materials, photonics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, advanced chemical and manufacturing processes. These technologies are part of the ISMN assets thanks to its advanced research infrastructures and state-of-the-art scientific and technological equipment.

•  Link : http://www.ismn.cnr.it/