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Beginning on Jan. 16, 2019, Park Systems is offering a new free webinar series titled “Materials Matter” by Dr. Rigoberto Advincula, Professor, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering at Case Western Reserve University and editor-in-chief of MRS Communications, Materials Research Society. A new webinar covering leading edge developments in Materials Science Research and applications using AFM will be presented every third Wed of the month at 12pm EST for the entire year.


Park Systems, world leader in atomic force microscopy (AFM) is offering a new free webinar series in 2019 designed to help researchers understand leading edge developments in Materials Science Research and applications using AFM. The webinar series titled “Materials Matter” will be given by materials science and industry-leading expert, Dr. Rigoberto Advincula, Professor, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering at Case Western Reserve University and editor-in-chief of MRS Communications, Materials Research Society. This webinar series will begin on Wed. Jan. 16 at 12 pm (EST) and a new webinar will be presented every third Wed of the month at 12pm EST for the entire year.
To register for the series go to: http://parksystems.com/webinar1


<Dr. Rigoberto Advincula, Professor, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
at Case Western Reserve University and editor-in-chief of MRS Communications, Materials Research Society.>

The topic of the Jan 16th webinar is “Nanostructured polymer brushes with AFM”. The webinar will focus on polymer brushes and how AFM is a vital tool in characterizing the morphology of these grafted polymer brushes.

Park AFM is an outstanding SPM instrument to probe polymer brushes and is a vital tool in characterizing their morphology,” states Dr. Advincula. “Park AFM has developed a number of tools and techniques to probe these surfaces including electrostatic mode, lateral force microscopy, current sensing AFM, and indentation methods to enable elucidation of structure-composition-property relationship in these films.”

Since coatings are very important in industrial applications of materials for protecting, packaging, and labeling, it is important to develop smart coatings that go into various products that enhance performance. Bulk coatings can come in the form of paint or protective coatings. On the other hand, ultra thin or even layered coatings are important in methods for makings flexible electronics, display devices, solid state devices, and sensors. The grafting of polymers and substrate enabled surface modification allow nanostructuring based on composition and the ability to stretch the chain perpendicular to the grafting substrate. Polymer brushes indicate high grafting density on surfaces, whether it is flat substrate surfaces or irregular and spherical objects.

“The use of surface probe methods enables researchers to gain a better understanding of the effect of polymer density on the behavior - even stimuli-responsive behavior of the brushes,” states Dr. Advincula. “The webinar will demonstrate the use of modified techniques to enhance surface probe measurements which can be built into the tip design or the experimental design.”

To learn more about Polymer Brushes, register for the webinar and the complete series of exciting Material Science Webinars in 2019.

The 2019 Webinar Series with Dr. Advincula will continue each month on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, dates &topics listed below. You can register for the entire series and receive reminders here: http://parksystems.com/webinar1

Park AFM 2019 Materials Matter Webinar Series with Dr. Advincula

- Jan. 16, 2019 Nanostructured Polymer Brushes and AFM
- Feb. 20, 2019 New Surfactant Design
- Mar 20, 2019 Viscoelastic Surfactants and Oilfield Chemicals
- April 17, 2019 Nanomaterials for Flexible Electronics
- May 15, 2019 3D Printing and Electronics
- June 19, 2019 Polymers in Medicine - an Introduction
- July 17, 2019 Smart Proppants and Oilfield Productivity
- Aug. 21, 2019 QCM and Ultrathin Films tandem with AFM
- Sept. 18, 2019 Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy tandem with AFM
- Oct. 16, 2019 Nanotechnology in Plastics and Packaging
- Nov. 20, 2019 Langmuir Blodgett Films and AFM
- Dec. 18, 2019 Emulsion Polymerization Methods and Nanomaterials

About Park Systems

Park Systems is a world-leading manufacturer of atomic force microscopy (AFM) systems with a complete range of products for researchers and industry engineers in chemistry, materials, physics, life sciences, and semiconductor and data storage industries. Park’s products are used by more than a thousand institutions and corporations worldwide. Park’s AFM provides the highest data accuracy at nanoscale resolution, superior productivity, and the lowest operating cost, thanks to its unique technology and innovative engineering. Park Systems, Inc. is headquartered in Santa Clara, California with its global manufacturing, and R&D headquarters in Korea. Park’s products are sold and supported worldwide with regional headquarters in the US, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Germany, China, India and Mexico and distribution partners throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Visit https://www.parksystems.com for more information or contact us at inquiry@parksystems.com.

About Prof. Rigoberto Advincula

Prof. Rigoberto Advincula, Professor with the Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering at Case Western Reserve University and Editor-in-Chief of MRS Communications, Materials Research Society. He was formerly Chair of the Polymer Chemistry Division, American Chemical Society (ACS). He is recognized industry-wide as an expert regarding polymer and materials and is also a member of NACE, SPE, ACS. Dr. Advincula is the recipient of numerous awards including Fellow of the American Chemical Society, Herman Mark Scholar Award of the Polymer Division, and Humboldt Fellow. More recently, he was elected Member of The National Academy of Science and Technology (Philippines). He did Post-doctoral work at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research and Stanford University and has published over 500 papers, including 250 peer-reviewed publications, 11 patents (and pending) – H-index of 65 with over 13,000 citations, and has co-edited the book on Functional Polymer Films, Polymer Brushes, and New Trends in Polymer Science.