| 고객문의


At Park Systems we offer live demos to better show the capabilities and functions of our equipment. Found below is a list of the upcoming demos we are hosting along with links to register for each event.
For further information, click on ‘Details’ for the demo you are interested in. 

20240507 AFM Workshop Ljubljana Banner

The workshop will include live demonstrations on the Park NX20 AFM

Date: 7 May, 2024

Time: 9:00 a.m. to 5.00 pm

Venue:  Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Attendance: Places are limited, so make sure to register before April 30th.


We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Event Date 05-07-2024
Event End Date 05-07-2024
Individual Price Free

IMC20 AFM workshop zoomla

세계현미경학회 IMC20 학술대회가 9월 10일(일)~15일(금) 부산 벡스코에서 개최합니다. 
파크시스템스는 특별히 이번 학술대회에서 원자현미경 워크샵(AFM WORKSHOP)을 진행합니다.
원자현미경에 대해 배우고 FX40를 경험할 수 있는 자리에 여러분의 많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다.
2023. 9. 10(일), 14:00~17:30  I  부산 벡스코
※ 선착순 10명 무료 등록 지원
√ IMC20 학술대회 등록자 우선 적용
√ 등록을 원하시면 'Registration(등록)'버튼을 클릭하여 신청서를 제출하시거나, 메일로 보내주시기 바랍니다. ※ 접수: raina@parksystems.com

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Event Date 09-10-2023
Event End Date 09-10-2023
Cut off date 08-25-2023
Individual Price Free


 Join us for a groundbreaking Technical Session at IMRC in Cancun on Tuesday,  August 15th, at 9:00 AM.

Title: "Harnessing Advances in Nanoscale Characterization: A Technical Session on Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Scanning Electrochemical Cell Microscopy (SECCM), and Imaging Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (ISE) for Novel Applications" presented by Alejandro Bonilla, Ph.D., Technical Manager at Park Systems.

Explore recent AFM, SECCM, and ISE breakthroughs spanning semiconductors, energy storage, medical devices, and more.

Venue: JW - Palenque room

Reserve your place!

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Event Date 08-14-2023
Event End Date 08-14-2023
Cut off date 08-14-2023
Individual Price Free

23 07 03 BIO SPM Workshop Banner

In this SPM workshop you will learn about Correlative AFM for Life science.

Date: 3 July2023

Time: 1.30 to 4.30 pm

Venue: Manchester Central, UK

Attendance: The cost to attend this workshop is £30. Please register in advance via mmc pre-conference workshops


Event Date 07-03-2023
Event End Date 07-03-2023
Cut off date 06-16-2023
Individual Price Free

User Scool 2 image


〇対象  :Park装置をお使いのユーザー様 〇開催日時:2023年6月15日(木)10:00~17:00 『ナノ機械特性』       2023年6月16日(金)10:00~17:00 『ナノ電気特性』 〇開催場所   :パーク・システムズ・ジャパン株式会社 デモルーム          〒101-0054 東京都千代田区神田錦町1-17-1 神田髙木ビル1階     アクセス 東京メトロ半蔵門線 東西線 都営三田線 大手町 C2b出口 徒歩5分               東京メトロ半蔵門線 竹橋 3b出口 徒歩6分               JR 中央線 山手線 京浜東北線 神田 西口 徒歩9分 〇開催方法   :現地開催

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Event Date 06-15-2023
Event End Date 06-16-2023
Cut off date 06-14-2023
Individual Price Free