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Park Systems, the National University of Singapore (NUS) and NanoScientific Publications announce the NanoScientific Symposium Asia, which will be held at NUS on September 25, 2019. The event is for nanoscience researchers and scientists to learn about the latest studies being formed using SPM.

For more information and to register, go to: https://live.parksystems.com/asia


singapore asia
<The National University of Singapore will be hosting the NanoScientific Symposium Asia on Sept. 25, 2019.>


NanoScientific Symposium Asia is a valuable opportunity for people doing scientific research using SPM who want a chance to hear from and network with experts in the field,” states Keibock Lee, Park Systems President. “We encourage all who are interested in Nano Metrology to attend and experience these insightful presentations.”

Scanning probe microscopy, including the AFM, is gaining popularity thanks to its powerful nanoscale imaging and measurement capability, versatility in applications from semiconductor, chemistry to life sciences and recent advances in the ease of use. This event at the prestigious NUS site brings together a leading group of experts on a variety of topics and will be a great networking opportunity.

"We are pleased to co-host NanoScientic Symposium Asia by Park Systems to promote sharing of knowledge within the scientific community about new applications in SPM,” said Professor Aaron Thean from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at NUS Faculty of Engineering. Professor Aaron Thean is also the founding Director of HiFES, an NUS research program that spearheads research in hybrid-integrated flexible and stretchable electronics; and Director of E6NanoFab, NUS’ latest on-campus state-of-art nanofabrication research facility that enables cutting-edge multi-disciplinary research.

NanoScientific published quarterly since 2014 showcases advancements in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology across a wide range of multi-disciplinary areas of research and has a global distribution of over 40,000 in North America, Europe and Asia. NanoScientific Symposiums in 2019 are also being held in New York, Italy, Korea, China & Mexico. See https://live.parksystems.com for all events.

“Park AFM is an important tool to use in pesticide and agriculture research because it is able to analyze surface features and forces effectively to evaluate the performance and processability of agrochemicals and crops, “states Dr. Kwek Jin Wang, who will make a presentation at NanoScientific Symposium Asia titled, “AFM in Agriculture: Investigations in agrochemical crystal growth and processing”.

Some of the presentations at the NanoScientific Symposium Asia Include:

Dr. Sendhil Poornachary, Scientist and Dr. Kwek Jin Wang from the Formulated Products division at the Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences, NUS (ICES), A*STAR will present on “AFM in Agriculture: Investigations in agrochemical crystal growth and processing”

Dr. Teng Ma from the Department of Chemistry at NUS’ presentation titled, “Ferroelectricity in two-dimensional metallic materials” will report on the realization of the combination of native metallicity and ferroelectricity simultaneously in both bulk and 2D van der Waals materials by means of electrical transport and advanced scanning probe microscopy technology.

Dr. Sreetosh Goswami from NUS Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Institute will give a talk on “Spatial mapping of ultralow energy switching in an organic memristor”, presenting a nanoscopic picture of the electronic and molecular switching that is derived from concurrent imaging with conducting atomic force microscopy (cAFM) and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS).

Presentations giving industry insight into Semiconductor Manufacturing and Nano Metrology from John Yik, Industrial metrology consultant on “AFM as a Metrology Tool in Semiconductor Manufacturing” and Luis David Aguirre Gutiérrez from Western Digital Philippines on “Hard Disc Drive Applications in Semicon”

Dr. Jing Wu will present on Anomalous thermoelectric transport in MoS2/h-BN heterostructure and Yu Wei will introduce recent work on two-dimensional ferromagnetic material: vanadium diselenide (VSe2).

Professor Cho Nam-Joon from the School of Materials Science and Engineering National Technological University Singapore will present on the topic, “Correlating Single-Molecule and Ensemble-Average Measurements of Peptide Adsorption onto Different Inorganic Materials”.

For the complete program, please visit: https://live.parksystems.com/asia/schedule_singapore

About Park Systems

Park Systems is a world-leading manufacturer of atomic force microscopy (AFM) systems with a complete range of products for researchers and industry engineers in the chemistry, materials, physics, life sciences, and semiconductor and data storage industries. Park’s products are used by more than a thousand institutions and corporations worldwide. Park’s AFM provides the highest data accuracy at nanoscale resolution, superior productivity, and the lowest operating cost, thanks to its unique technology and innovative engineering. Park Systems, Inc. is headquartered in Santa Clara, California with its global manufacturing and R&D headquarters in Korea. Park’s products are sold and supported worldwide with regional headquarters in the US, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Germany, China and Mexico, and distribution partners throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Please visit http://www.parksystems.com or call 408-986-1110 for more information.