cooling high_resolution FuelCell VinylAlcohol HACrystal NeodymiumMagnets fluorocarbon Modulus Non-ContactMode MultiferroicMaterials self-assembly SelfAssembly LiBattery CntFilm Leakage LDPE Edwin Optoelectonics Polyvinylidene NtuEee biocompatible CrossSection MolecularSelfAssembly Lift semifluorinated_alkane Liquid Copper OxideLayer ImideMonomer RedBloodCell 3-hexylthiophene SicMosfet Roughness Calcium PhaseImaging
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Moire pattern of MoS₂-WSe₂
Scanning Conditions
- System : FX40
- Scan Mode: Tapping
- Scan Rate : 3Hz
- Scan Size : 500nm×500nm
- Pixel Size : 512×512
- Cantilever : PPP-FMR (k=2.8N/m, f=75kHz)