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Valerio Levati

Valerio Levati is a Ph.D. student at the Physics Department of Politecnico di Milano. He received both his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Engineering Physics from the same university, where he then joined the PhyND group led by Prof. Daniela Petti and Prof. Edoardo Albisetti. His current research project deals with advanced nanofabrication for spintronics and nanoelectronics, aiming at developing innovative methods for crafting the physical properties of nanostructured materials by means of Phase Nanoengineering.

1. Please summarize the research you do and explain why it is significant.

My research is focused on tailoring the physical properties of quantum materials and artificial nanostructures by inducing local tunable modifications on low dimensional systems through unconventional lithographic techniques, such as Direct Laser Writing (DLW) and thermal Scanning Probe Lithography (tSPL). This approach, called Phase Nanoengineering, has emerged as an effective method for crafting point-by-point the structure and composition of condensed matter systems, with application in nanoelectronics, spintronics and optics.

2. How might your research be used?

Controlling the electronic, magnetic, and optical properties at the nanoscale plays a crucial role in discovering novel effects, engineering complex functionalities, and developing next-generation devices. In this framework, the unique capability of Phase Nanoengineering goes beyond standard lithographic processes, which just rely on material addition or removal. It can be used to directly pattern periodic or grayscale metamaterials, such as magnonic or photonic crystals, and to realize the building blocks of innovative circuits for applications in nanoelectronics.

3. Why is the Park AFM important for your research?

Since my research deals with nanostructures and their physical properties, a high-precision instrument to characterize the produced patterns at the nanoscale is necessary. In this regard, the Atomic Force Microscope Park NX10 turned out to be a great ally, providing user-friendly operation and precise measurements of different physical quantities.

4. What features of Park AFM are the most beneficial and why?

Among the characteristics of Park NX10 I like the most there are the fast set up, in fact you can place your sample on the stage and start measuring in a short time; the open access to different data regarding the measurement and the analysis; and the easy and flexible switching between different SPM configurations.