thermoplastic_elastomers PolyvinylAcetate Stiffness Bacteria TemperatureControllerAFM MolybdenumDisulfide Moire optoelectronics ContactMode Alkane Laser Polyvinylidene_fluoride molecule Nanofiber 2-vinylpyridine Co/Cr/Pt Phthalocyanine self-assembled_monolayer Water OpticalElement Inorganic HiVacuum Ananth PolyimideFilm MLCC small_scan Chemical Vapor Deposition FrictionalForce Tin disulfide Collagen HardDiskMedia MagneticForceMicroscopy CeNSE_IISc StrontiumTitanate SICM
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Supramolecular Polymer
Self-folding of supramolecular polymers.
Scanning Conditions
- System: NX10
- Scan Mode: Non-contact
- Cantilever: AC160TS (k=26N/m, f=300kHz)
- Scan Size: 0.5μm×0.5μm
- Scan Rate: 0.5Hz
- Pixel Size: 512 × 512
- Scan Mode: Non-contact
- Cantilever: AC160TS (k=26N/m, f=300kHz)
- Scan Size: 0.5μm×0.5μm
- Scan Rate: 0.5Hz
- Pixel Size: 512 × 512