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18, Sep 23'
당사가 지난 2020년에 이어 다시 한번 글로벌경제전문지 포브스가 발표한 2023 아시아 200대 중소기업’(Forbes Asia’s 200 Best Under A Billion)에 선정되었습니다. 포브스는 매년 연 매출 1천만달러 이상, 10억달러 미만의 아시아·태평양 지역 상장사 중소기업을 대상...
10, Jul 23'
  A New General Manager of Park Systems GmbH Accurion Division, Stefan Schneider   Park Systems, a leading provider of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and na...
15, May 23'
Park Systems, a leading manufacturer of atomic force microscopes (AFM) and related nano-metrology systems, announced the grand opening of its new application center in Sh...
24, Apr 23'
Park Systems, the leader in nanoscale microscopy systems, is pleased to announce the return of the NANOscientific Symposiums in 2023. Following a successful run of virtua...
27, Mar 23'
AFM Tip Characterizer (AFMTC)   Park Systems, a leading provider of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and nano-metrology solutions, is proud to announce the launch of ...
7, Mar 23'
  Park Systems, a leading manufacturer of Atomic-Force Microscopy (AFM) systems, is celebrating its new status as the number one global leader in the industry. Acco...
21, Feb 23'
XE-120 and XE-NSOM   2008년에 출시되었던 XE-120과 XE-NSOM이 부품 수급의 어려움으로 인하여 부득이하게 2024년 1월 부로 서비스를 종료할 예정임을 안내 드립니다. 자세한 사항은 안내문을 통해 확인하실 수 있습니다. 관련하여 궁금한 사항이 있으시면, RTS팀...
9, Jan 23'
Park Systems, a leading manufacturer of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and nano metrology systems, has introduced its newest product, the Park NX-IR R300, a nanoscale infr...