Pipette Chloroform chemical_compound Ferrite alkanes Zhi Ucl ReflexLens Deposition Wafer Lanthanum_aluminate CntFilm GranadaUniv Step 3-hexylthiophene 2-vinylpyridine INSP DIWafer PolycrystallineFerroelectricBCZT Polydimethylsiloxane ThinFilm Conductive AFM MfmAmplitude Bio Chemical Vapor Deposition BiVO4 Solar Nanostructure sputter IcelandSpar Friction Organic EFMAmplitude PtfeMembrane medical
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Spincast layer of PS/LDPE blend on Si. Signal change by thermal conductivity difference.
Scanning Conditions
- System: NX10
- Scan Mode: SThM
- Cantilever: NanoThermal Probe
- Scan Size: 10μm×10μm
- Scan Rate: 0.5Hz
- Pixel Size: 256 × 512
- Scan Mode: SThM
- Cantilever: NanoThermal Probe
- Scan Size: 10μm×10μm
- Scan Rate: 0.5Hz
- Pixel Size: 256 × 512