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​ In this seminar, I review and celebrate the breakthrough of this technique into the temperature and spatial scales relevant to fundamental studies of quantum materials. I showcase seminal investigations of collective excitations in 2-dimensional media like graphene, electronic phase competition in correlated electron solids including transition metal oxides, and on-demand control of optical properties in strongly interacting materials. I will share my perspectives for the future of nano-spectroscopy of quantum materials, a future that is simultaneously ultra-bright and ultra-small, and fundamentally transformative for the study of complex matter at nanometer scales.

パーク・システムズ・ジャパンは、今年も新年度・新学期に合わせまして AFMウェビナー【形状測定入門コース】を開催いたします! 昨年実施した超基礎講座をベースにさらに分かりやすく、内容を改定いたしました。AFMにご興味のある方、これから実際にAFMを使い始められる方、パラメータ調整にあまり自信の無い方、オペレーションに疑問のある方、 ハードウエア・ソフトウエアのことをもっと知りたい方など、基本の測定を最初から丁寧に学んでいただけるチャンスです。また、しばらく測定から離れていて、最近再び測定をはじめられた方の学び直しの機会としてもご活用いただけます。ぜひ皆様の御参加をお待ちしております。

​ In this talk, we will discuss different perovskite fabrication processes and relevant composition adjustments to achieve desired applications such as solar cells, LEDs, and photo-detectors. Different modes of atomic force microscopy were used to deepen perovskite investigation.

​ As interest in energy-related fields increases, this study delves into the pivotal role of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) in propelling forward innovations in energy storage technologies. AFM's capability for nanoscale imaging and characterization is harnessed in battery research, unraveling intricate details of electrodes and electrolytes to enhance performance and lifespan. The analysis of material's properties using AFM aids in the meticulous selection and design of materials for energy storage devices. Moreover, AFM's application in studying thin film materials for solar cells contributes to improving efficiency and durability in photovoltaic systems. In fuel cell research, AFM plays a crucial role in optimizing performance and longevity by characterizing membrane structures. The study of nanogenerators and investigation into nanomaterial properties for advanced energy storage systems further underscore AFM's significance in pushing the boundaries of energy storage technologies. In essence, AFM emerges as a powerful and versatile tool, steering progress in the intricate landscape of energy storage technologies.

Imaging spectroscopic ellipsometry involves combining the sensitivity of ellipsometry to detect changes in film thickness and optical properties with the imaging capabilities of optical microscopy. This unique combination enables thin film metrology as well as the determination of optical properties at the microscopic scale. Lead-halide perovskite solar cells are very promising from a performance point of view in the fields of photovoltaics, optoelectronics, light-emitting diodes, lasers, and photodetectors. Most of these applications require a deep understanding of the optical properties of the material. It is important to note that the grain size must be related to the optical properties, as the film may contain crystalline and amorphous portions depending on the crystallization method. A critical aspect is stability against environmental influences. One focus of the webinar will be on the extraction of clear spectra from samples with local layer thickness variations, and another will be the assessment of material stability at the microscopic scale by comparing Delta and Psi micro-maps at variable wavelengths. The webinar will be completed with a demonstration of the instrument highlighting the new sweep mode—a game changer in ellipsometry?