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In this webinar we will demonstrate the use of these automation features.


Make the most out of your time: the benefits of easy automation for AFM (StepScanTM, AdaptiveScanTM, FastApproachTM)


Wednesday, 2 June, 2021

  • 10:00 am – 11:30 am
    London, Dublin
  • 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
    Berlin, Paris, Rome
  • 18:00pm – 19:30 pm
    Seoul, Tokyo



Atomic Force Microscopy is well known for acquiring images with resolution better than diffraction-limited light microscopies in practically any environment. Versatility of AFM based methods makes it an indispensable tool for researchers in numerous areas such as nanometrology, material science, and biology. When using an AFM, researchers spend significant time on tedious tasks such as aligning the optical beam onto cantilever, finding an area of interest on the sample, and optimizing imaging parameters.

Time consuming trial-and-error optimization of the generic height imaging parameters such as scan rate, gain settings, and setpoint is always required to get some reliable AFM data. Advanced AFM operation modes involve control of additional variables. Interdependencies of the parameters make it challenging to find optimum operating conditions in the parameter space. Moreover, a single instrument is often shared among several researchers of varying AFM skills. Throughput of AFM data by a researcher is further reduced either due to limited software tools or a steep learning curve of the user interface.

Park Systems’ SmartScan software provides parameter automation while also allowing full manual control in a user-friendly interface. This makes Park AFMs efficient tools for novices and experts alike. Unique automation features such as FastApproachTM, AdaptiveScanTM, and StepScanTM allow users to make the most out of their AFM time. In this webinar we will demonstrate the use of these automation features.

Presented By : 
Abdul Rauf, Application Scientist at Park Systems Europe

Abdul is an Application Scientist at Park Systems Europe, where he supports development of AFM solutions for customers. He had his training as a polymer materials’ engineer with emphasis on elastomer blends and composites. Abdul has expertise in characterization of macromolecular systems at interfaces. He worked on his doctoral thesis in the group of Prof. Jürgen P. Rabe in Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, where he acquired expertise in morphological and nanomechanical characterization of thin films confined in interfaces. His work in Berlin also included study of two-dimensional materials such as monolayers of Graphene, Hexagonal Boron Nitride, and Transition Metal Dichalcogenides as sensors for strain transfer across atomic interfaces.




​ 前回のAFM基礎コースPart2に引き続き、イメージングに必須のプローブについてお話します。 原子間力顕微鏡(AFM)のプローブを適切に選択することは、質の高いイメージを取得するために重要な過程の一つです。 一般に、AFMプローブは、シリコンチップ、チップから延びるカンチレバー(SiまたはSi3N4)、およびカンチレバーの先端に 取り付けられた(または一体型)探針(SiまたはSi3N4)で構成されます。AFMプローブには、様々な材料、形状、剛性(バネ定数)、 共振周波数、Q値があります。プローブの選択はその材料と用途によって異なります。 以上のようにプローブは、材質、バネ定数、共振周波数、針の形状 の組み合わせで、様々なアプリケーションに合ったものを選択することが重要です。 どういった観点でプローブを選択するのか、実際の画像と合わせながらご紹介いたします。 パーク・システムズの使い易いオペレーションソフトウエアと適切なプローブの選択で、正確で情報量の多いデータを取得していただければと思います。

Interactive session will consist of demonstrating nanoindentation process (Set point & Z height). Differences in the result analysis will be explained. Demonstration sample will be a polycarbonate film. Questions are welcomed at any time during the session.

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In this course, we will show details and advantages of the KPFMtechnique, together with a demonstration of its ease ofuse.


Make the most out of your potential: the benefits of single-pass sideband KPFM


Wednesday, 23 June, 2021

  • 10:00 am – 11:30 am
    London, Dublin
  • 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
    Berlin, Paris, Rome
  • 17:00 am – 18:30 pm
    Beijing, Singapore
  • 18:00pm – 19:30 pm
    Seoul, Tokyo



Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) has become an essential tool for research in a large range of fields of sciences. AFM provides higher resolution when compared to other microscopy techniques. Its applicability on the most diverse samples makes it the ideal instrument to explore properties of materials at their interfaces, to study biological material and processes, and to understand fundamental properties of condensed matter.

Due to its high performance in terms of resolution, AFM is largely used to perform structural and topographical characterization. Nevertheless, there is much more than just topography under an AFM tip. Once brought close to the sample, the AFM probe is sensitive to a series of interactions which depend on local properties of the material under inspection. It is possible to prepare AFM experiments in such a way that quantitative data about these properties can be collected, empowering the researcher with a set of new and exciting information to link with topography.

Among the advanced modes AFM is capable of, Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM) allows retrieving data on the electrical potential at the sample surface. KPFM is then the ideal local probe technique to correlate structural features and material composition of the observed sample with the variation of such potentials, with possible applications in many different fields like nano- and optoelectronics, metal corrosion and energy storage.

Park Systems has implemented single-pass sideband KPFM by default in all research tools of its NX series. This advanced mode enables users to perform highly precise, quantitative mapping of the potential distribution at the same time than topography.

In this course, we will show details and advantages of the KPFM technique, together with a demonstration of its ease of use.

Presented By : 
Dr. Andrea Cerreta, Application Scientist Park Systems Europe, Mannheim, Germany

Dr. Andrea Cerreta is an Application Scientists at Park Systems Europe, where he focuses on application development and support for the academic sector. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. He did his further doctoral work at the Solid State Physics Group of Université de Fribourg, Switzerland, which focused on studying electrical and magnetic properties of organic spin valves and spin polarized currents in superconducting materials, grown by means of Pulsed Laser Deposition, and characterizing the DC and AC transport properties of magnetic and superconducting samples. His expertise also spans the Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy in UHV for the study of biomolecules.




Lecture topics will be reinforced through demonstration Park Systems’s SICM and SECCM modes on a Park Systems NX series AFM. AFM operator will show the experiment setup including pipette and electrodes handling and preparation, hardware assembling and software operation. nanoscale topographical images in an ionic solution environment with SICM and nanoscale electroactivity mapping with SECCM modes using Park Systems’s research AFM will be demonstrated.