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In this presentation, we reviewed Park Systems’s mechanical properties measurement using AFM, with a particular emphasis on the “PinPoint nanomechanical mode”.


Investigation of nanomechanical properties using AFM + live demo


Tuesday, 6 July , 2021

  • 10:30 AM
  • 1:00 PM
    New Delhi
  • 3:30 PM
  • 5:30 PM

2021 SE Asia Webinar Series Schedule:

Date Topic
May 25 Principles of AFM imaging modes
Jun 15 Imaging modes of AFM from the application point of view
Jul 6 Investigation of nanomechanical properties using AFM
Aug 10 Crosstalk-free ferroelectric domain characterization via dual frequency resonance tracking PFM
Sep 7 Scanning capacitance microscopy; advanced analysis for nanoscale semiconductor surface

There are lots of techniques for characterizing the mechanical properties of sample, atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been widely used to investigate sample’s properties because it is able to measure Young’s modulus directly and quantitative measurement using force spectroscopy with contact mechanics models. From interactions between the AFM tip and the sample surface, the system collects that information and displays the output using force and distance units. In this presentation, we reviewed Park Systems’s mechanical properties measurement using AFM, with a particular emphasis on the “PinPoint nanomechanical mode”. This mode gathers topographical data at high resolution while simultaneously obtaining force-distance (FD) data at each pixel of the scan area. This allows sample surface morphology measurements while simultaneously obtaining quantitative nanomechanical properties such as modulus, adhesion, deformation, stiffness and energy dissipation.

Presented By : 
Dr. Jake Kim, Park Systems Korea

Dr. Kim received Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He joined Tokyo Institute of Technology International Research Opportunities Program (TiROP) in 2014 and was engaged in nano-scale chemical composition analysis using scanning probe microscopy (SPM). From December 2017, he started to work in Park Systems as the manager of application technology center. He is specialized in the enhancement of nano-machanical measurement performance for Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), building up a accurate and reliable environment for electrochemical measurement using Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM; SECM,SECCM) and Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy (SICM) applications development for biology.




​ グラフェンや遷移金属ダイカルコゲナイド(TMDC)に代表される様々な原子厚のシート状 物質(二次元物質)が発見されて以来、その特異な構造に由来する新規物性とエレクトロ ニクスをはじめとする多彩な応用が大きな注目を集めています。このような二次元物質に ついて、シートの「端」を起点として別の二次元物質を成長させることができれば、原子 厚のヘテロ構造やナノスケールの幅を持つ細線など新たな機能を持つナノ構造の実現が期 待できます。 私たちのグループでは、このようなナノ構造の実現と機能開拓を目指し、化 学気相成長を利用した物質合成やヘテロ構造の物性研究を進めてきました。特に、作製し た試料の品質、構造、そして組成の評価では、顕微分光、走査プローブ顕微鏡、電子顕微 鏡などが必要不可欠なツールであり、迅速に評価を行い合成条件へとフィードバックする ことが重要となります。 本講演では、二次元物質のヘテロ構造に関係する成長と物性・機 能に関する進展や研究における原子間力顕微鏡の利用例について紹介します。

Interactive session will consist of demonstrating nanoindentation process (Set point & Z height). Differences in the result analysis will be explained. Demonstration sample will be a polycarbonate film. Questions are welcomed at any time during the session.

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What is a good AFM in viewpoint of principle and applications?


2021년 6월 29일 화 오후 4시 (16:00 ~ 17:00)

*언어: 한국어 | This webinar will be presented in Korean.

SPM(Scanning Probe Microscope)은 나노 세계를 열어주는 최상의 장비이자, 가장 근본적인 기술입니다. 1세대 광학현미경과 2세대 전자현미경을 잇는 제3세대 현미경으로 알려진 SPM은 STM(Scanning Tunneling Microscope)의 발명에서 시작되었습니다.
STM은 프로브 팁과 진공 상태의 시료 사이의 터널링 전류를 사용하여 표면 토포그래피를 측정하므로 전도체 측정에만 국한되나, AFM이 개발되면서 다양한 범위의 측정이 가능하게 되었습니다. 대기 중의 부도체는 물론, 시료 표면의 물리적, 화학적, 기계적, 전기적, 자기적 특성 그리고 액상에서 살아있는 세포를 측정하는 것도 가능하게 되었습니다.

AFM은 나노기술 시대를 열어가는 중요한 도구이며, 나노과학기술연구 뿐 아니라, 첨단기술 제품개발 및 품질관리, 반도체 생산공정 등 다양한 분야에서 널리 활용되고 있습니다.

이번 웨비나에서는 AFM의 기본 원리 및 활용 방법에 대해 소개할 예정입니다.

AFM에 대해 더 자세히 알고 싶으신 분들은 지금 바로 등록해주세요!

Presented By : 
김성오 박사 (Jake Kim, Ph.D.) | Application Scientist
Park Systems, Application Technology Center

김성오 박사는 싱가포르 난양 공과 대학에서 재료 공학 박사 학위를 받고, 2014년 TiROP(Tokyo Institute of Technology International Research Opportunities Program)에 합류하여 SPM(Scanning Probe Microscopy)을 사용한 나노 화학 성분 분석 연구에 참여했습니다. 2017년 12월부터 파크시스템스 본사 Application Technology Center에 Application Scientist 로 입사하여 AFM 측정, 테스트, technical article 작성 및 외부 강연 등 다양한 활동을 하고 있습니다.




​ 原子間力顕微鏡(AFM)は走査プローブ顕微鏡(SPM)ファミリーのひとつであり、nmオーダーの曲率半径をもつ鋭い探針を試料表面の凹凸に沿って走査させるという、レンズを使う顕微鏡とは全く異なる原理をもつ新しいタイプの顕微鏡である。 我々は、AFMをベースにし、ナノメートルスケールで「単一高分子鎖の物性」と「高分子材料の物性」の評価手法を開発している。これらの手法により、高分子一本鎖の粘弾性とコンフォメーションや材料表面のナノヤング率、凝着エネルギーなどの力学物性を実測することができる。 さらに、力は必ずしも原子間力に限ったものではなく、AFMの亜種であるコンダクティブ AFM(C-AFM)は導電性を、ケルビンプローブフォース顕微鏡(KPFM)は表面電位を検出することができる。表面の導電性分布や表面電位分布を画像化でき、さらにその情報も材料力学物性の機構界面に有用な知見を与える。 ナノ力学物性と巨視的力学物性の相関を理解することは、機能のメカニズムと材料開発への応用に重要であり、相関実験手法と幾つかの事例を含めて紹介する。

The target of this session is to help understand the interactions between tip and sample based on fundamental knowledge on principles of AFM. After all, some images which measured with above three modes are represented.


Imaging modes of AFM from the application point of view


Tuesday, 15 Jun , 2021

  • 10:30 AM
  • 1:00 PM
    New Delhi
  • 3:30 PM
  • 5:30 PM

2021 SE Asia Webinar Series Schedule:

Date Topic
May 25 Principles of AFM imaging modes
Jun 15 Imaging modes of AFM from the application point of view
Jul 6 Investigation of nanomechanical properties using AFM
Aug 10 Crosstalk-free ferroelectric domain characterization via dual frequency resonance tracking PFM
Sep 7 Scanning capacitance microscopy; advanced analysis for nanoscale semiconductor surface

Understanding of surface structure and topography is essential for interpretation of material behavior at the nanoscale. To measure nano surfaces, different methods can be used such as confocal microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and scanning probe microscopy (SPM). Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a member in the SPM family that can measure various properties of samples in conjunction with their surface morphology. AFM allows quantitative measurement of surface features as small as angstrom level, which is relatively difficult to observe in conventional optical-based or electron beam-based techniques. To collect an AFM image, a sharp tip is typically used to sense the sample surface, and information on surface characteristics is accumulated by monitoring the tip-sample atomic interactions during scanning. Depending on specific applications, the AFM tip will come into direct contact (contact mode), intermittently contact (tapping mode), or scan over the sample surface at a given distance (non-contact mode). Contact, tapping, and non-contact are fundamental imaging modes of AFM. On the basics of these modes, various advanced techniques have been developed to measure different properties of samples such as electrical properties (C-AFM, KPFM, PFM modes, etc.), mechanical properties (nanoindentation, FD spectroscopy, and PinPoint modes), magnetic (MFM mode), and thermal (SThM mode) properties.

Within the scope of this webinar, practical applications of the imaging modes of AFM will be introduced. In addition, for better understanding on how AFM can measure your samples, a live session on imaging modes operations is also provided. It is expected that this webinar can be a useful material for gaining knowledge of AFM as well as its capabilities.

Presented By : 
Rocky Nguyen, Park Systems Korea

Dr. Rocky Nguyen received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering from the University of Ulsan in South Korea and his Bachelor’s degree in Materials Engineering from Back Khoa University in Vietnam. He is currently focused on the development and performance optimization of atomic force microscopy and related techniques at Park Systems Korea.