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The thickness and optical properties of thin films are critical to the performance and reliability of micro- and nanoelectronics devices. As features are constantly getting smaller, conventional methods cannot measure those properties on small structures. Imaging ellipsometry provides a fast and non-destructive method for characterizing surfaces and films on micron-scale structures, making it a valuable tool for materials research and development. This talk will show the principle and methods of imaging spectroscopic ellipsometry and some application examples.

溶液中の環境を必要とする材料のAFM測定について。 カンチレバーを使った技術、ピペットを使った技術、電気化学測定を含めた溶液中測定について詳しくお話いたします。 AFMのフレキシブルな環境対応について知りたい方、また従来のカンチレバー以外のピペット法について知りたい方におすすめの講義です。

The AFM tip is the part of the AFM setup that interacts directly with the sample surface. . The tip itself is the most precise and delicate component of an AFM probe. Tip can get blunt easily during non-proficient AFM operation.
In this webinar, we will present on some methods to prolong your AFM tip life and reduce the overhead cost
We will also save time at the end of the presentation to attend to your questions.

Thickness and optical properties of thin films are critical to the performance and reliability of micro- and nanoelectronic devices. As features are constantly getting smaller, conventional methods are not capable to measure those properties on small structures.
Imaging ellipsometry provides a fast and non-destructive method for characterizing surfaces and films on micron scale structures, making it a valuable tool for materials research and development.

纳米红外光谱分析系统在化学分析及材料成像的应用光诱导力显微镜 (PiFM) 能提供高分辨率红外光谱,其与传统的FTIR(傅里叶变换红外光谱)保持着密切的相关性,结合AFM 平台,其PiFM 光谱 可达10 nm 空间分辨率下的化学鉴定。此外,Park PiFM 亦可提供不同深度的光谱信息,提供对样品成分的更多资讯。