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*Note: This webinar will be presented in Mandarin /中文





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2018年,文超在武汉理工大学获得物理学理学士学位;同年,她进入苏州大学功能纳米与软物质学院,现在为硕士三年级在读生。2019年,文超前往西班牙罗维拉-威尔吉利大学进行研究学习,并获得纳米学硕士学位。文超的研究重点是利用导电原子力显微镜来表征电介质的纳米级电学性质,进一步发展二维材料在电子器件上的应用。她已经在各期刊发表了8篇SCI论文,包括Nature Electronics,Advanced Materials(一作), Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces(一作)等。同时,她也是Scientific Reports 和Microelectronic Engineering的审稿人。




In this webinar, we will describe and demonstrate polymer characterization using PinPointTM mapping on Park System’s NX10 atomic force microscope. Additionally, we will demonstrate example measurements where electrical property maps are acquired simultaneously with topography and nanomechanical maps.


PinPointing Polymers: Nanomechanical Characterization of Functional Polymer Blends

Thursday, 11 February, 2021

  • 10:00 am – 11:30 am
    London, Dublin
  • 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
    Berlin, Paris, Rome
  • 18:00pm – 19:30 pm
  • 18:00pm – 19:30 pm

Polymer based blends and composites are a key area of materials research activity. For example, blends of polymers are used in optoelectronic devices for charge extraction, and biopolymers which change their mechanical character upon environmental influences. Like bio-molecules, a hierarchy of structure exist in synthetic polymers as well. Synthetic polymers allow control of bulk properties from bottom upwards in hierarchical manner. For example, composition of the macromolecular chain, chain conformation in an ensemble, and its blend/composite with other materials are all parameters for enhancing their performance. Tuning of bulk properties by adjusting structure at these widely varying scales is at the core of study and development of polymers. Therefore, visualizing structure at nanometers to hundreds of micrometers provides insight for both fundamental and applied research. Moreover, for functional polymers correlating their electrical, piezoelectrical, and nanomechanical properties with macromolecular structure is a significant task. Atomic force microscopy-based techniques are ideal for investigations of functional characteristics simultaneously with structure in a wide range of environmental conditions.

In this webinar, we will describe and demonstrate polymer characterization using PinPointTM mapping on Park System’s NX10 atomic force microscope. Additionally, we will demonstrate example measurements where electrical property maps are acquired simultaneously with topography and nanomechanical maps.

[1] Vancso, G. and Schönherr, H., “Scanning Force Microscopy Of Polymers” 1st ed. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
[2] Hayakawa, T. and Horuchi, S. “From Angstrom to Micrometers: Self-Organized Hierachical Structure within a Polymer Film” Angewandte Chemie, 42, (2003)

Presented By : 
Abdul Rauf, Application Scientist at Park Systems Europe

Abdul is an Application Scientist at Park Systems Europe, where he supports development of AFM solutions for customers. He had his training as a polymer materials’ engineer with emphasis on elastomer blends and composites. Abdul has expertise in characterization of macromolecular systems at interfaces. He worked on his doctoral thesis in the group of Prof. Jürgen P. Rabe in Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, where he acquired expertise in morphological and nanomechanical characterization of thin films confined in interfaces. His work in Berlin also included study of two-dimensional materials such as monolayers of Graphene, Hexagonal Boron Nitride, and Transition Metal Dichalcogenides as sensors for strain transfer across atomic interfaces.





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*Note: This webinar will be presented in Mandarin /中文









In this webinar, we will demonstrate how atomic force microscopy (AFM) can be used to acquire ultra-high-resolution images of individual PTFE-molecules on the semi-crystalline surface of commercial Teflon tape.


Nailing down Teflon Molecules - High Resolution AFM imaging for Polymer Science

Thursday, 28 January, 2021

  • 10:00 am – 11:30 am
    London, Dublin
  • 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
    Berlin, Paris, Rome
  • 18:00pm – 19:30 pm
    Seoul, Tokyo

Various macroscopic properties of polymers are strongly influenced by packing and conformation of individual macromolecules as well as their monomer composition. Therefore, being able to resolve individual polymer chains in real space is crucial in understanding the overall structure of polymers.

In this webinar, we will demonstrate how atomic force microscopy (AFM) can be used to acquire ultra-high-resolution images of individual PTFE-molecules on the semi-crystalline surface of commercial Teflon tape. Both high resolution and high-speed scanning capabilities of Park Systems NX20 AFM will be demonstrated on the real-world polymer sample.

Presented By : 
Dr. Vladimir Korolkov, Senior Application Scientist at Park Systems UK

Vladimir received his PhD in Chemistry from Moscow University in 2008. Then, he moved to the University of Heidelberg and specialized in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of thin films, following by the position at the University of Nottingham, where he discovered his passion for Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM), and became a strong advocate of SPM techniques to unlock structure and properties at nanoscale. He pioneered the use of higher eigenmodes of standard cantilevers to routinely achieve resolution that was previously thought to be exclusively limited to STM and UHV-STM. Vladimir published more than 40 scientific papers, including three in Nature family journals. He left academia in 2018 to contribute to the industrial site of SPM technology.




Durante este webinar se presentarán dos diferentes aplicaciones multidisciplinarias de las SPM.

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Aplicaciones en baterías de Litio Azufre y en sistemas biológicos de la Microscopía de Sonda Local

Friday, November 27, 2020

*Note: This webinar will be presented in Spanish/español

  • 10:00 AM
  • 8:00 AM
  • 12:00 PM
  • 5:00 PM

La microscopía de sonda local (SPM) es una de las herramientas más versátiles para la visualización y caracterización de micro y nano sistemas. Durante este webinar se presentarán dos diferentes aplicaciones multidisciplinarias de las SPM. La primera acerca de la modificación químico-física de separadores poliméricos de baterías de Litio-Azufre. Los separadores Celgard 2400 modificados se prepararon revistiendo el lado del cátodo con una mezcla de negro de carbón / quitosano o negro de carbón / fluoruro de polivinilideno para mejorar las propiedades electroquímicas de las baterías de litio-azufre. La caracterización de materiales se realizo mediante AFM, SEM, EDX y electroquímica de dos separadores recubiertos. La segunda aplicación es con la conexión biológica entre óptica y propiedades nanomecánicas en microavispas. En esta investigación utilizamos análisis nanométricos y micrométricos para investigar las propiedades morfológicas y mecánicas del patrón de color negro-naranja-negro (BOB) en avispas Scelionidae. El objetivo principal fue explorar las diferencias estructurales y mecánicas en el mesoscutum de cuatro especies. Los hallazgos más destacados incluyen la ausencia de estructuras multicapa que generen color estructural, un pigmento concentrado en la superficie superior de la epicutícula y sorprendentes diferencias entre las cuatro especies. Tres de las cuatro especies mostraron una estructura similar a un acordeón en el surco (notaulus), mientras que el mesoscutum adyacente fue diferente en cada especie.

Presented By : 
Dr. Giovanni Sáenz-Arce Programa de Investigación en Física Aplicada, Departamento de Física, Universidad Nacional, 86-3000, Heredia, Costa Rica.

Giovanni Sáenz-Arce es bachiller en Física por la Universidad de Costa Rica. Realizo su maestría en Nanociencia y Nanotecnología Molecular en propiedades mecánicas y transporte electrónico en nanocontactos en la Universidad de Alicante, España. Obtuvo su doctorado en Nanociencia y Nanotecnología, en el grupo del Dr. Carlos Untiedt de la Universidad de Alicante, España, con la tesis titulada “Study of Atomic-Size Structures using a Scanning Tunneling Microscope with Force Resonant-Detection” donde diseñó y calibró de un SPM que permite hacer medidas simultáneas de transporte electrónico y propiedades mecánicas (fuerza de adhesión y disipación de energía) de nanoestructuras, en condiciones variables de temperatura desde 1.5K hasta temperatura ambiente. Actualmente es profesor II (Associate Professor) en la Universidad Nacional en Costa Rica y coordina el Programa de Investigación en Física Aplica y el Doctorado en Ciencias Naturales para el Desarrollo. En su grupo de investigación cuenta con dos áreas definidas: 1. Fabricación y caracterización de dispositivos microfluidicos para el diagnostico de enfermedades infecciosas y 2. Caracterización de propiedades morfológicas, mecánicas y eléctricas de nanoestructuras mediante técnicas de microscopia de sonda local.