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*Note: This webinar will be presented in Mandarin /中文

导电原子力显微镜(C-AFM)是在扫描探针显微镜(SPM)基础上扩展的一种电学测试模式,它可以同时实现在纳米级对样品(比如:介质材料、量子点、电子器件)表面形貌和局部电学性质的表征和测试。C-AFM 技术在纳米电子学、半导体材料等领域广泛应用,主要用于表征样品/器件的缺陷分布、电导率局部变化、局部电学行为等。本报告将重点围绕C-AFM在忆阻型电子器件中的电学表征,介绍不同环境(大气和真空状态)下测试结果的可靠性,以及通过使用基于C-AFM技术的不同手段来直接观测导电细丝的形成以进一步探索阻变机理。


惠飞博士,现以色列理工学院博士后研究员,2018年获得巴塞罗那大学和苏州大学双博士学位。在攻读博士期间,她曾先后到世界顶级名校美国麻省理工学院和英国剑桥大学进行为期12个月和6个月的访学。在科研方面,截止目前,共参与发表SCI期刊学术论文45篇。其中,一作论文13篇,包括顶级期刊Nature Electronics, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2D Materials, Nanoscale等,谷歌学术论文总引用次数为1353次。参与德国Wiley出版的专著篇章一部,获国家授权发明专利两项,申请国际专利两项。担任Sensors, Electronics, Nanotechnology等期刊专刊的编委会成员、多个IEEE会议(2021 IEEE-EDTM,2021 IEEE-IPFA, 2020 IEEE-IRPS, 2020 IEEE-IIRW)的技术/宣传委员会成员、以及国际期刊审稿人。曾获得英国皇家化学会学者奖学金、2019 Park AFM博后奖学金、国家奖学金等。她的主要研究领域是基于二维材料的电子器件及其在纳米级的电学行为表征。




In this session, the basic principles and the application of AFM which can be used in scientific and industrial fields are examined. In particular, we share the images measured by the actual atomic force microscope with specific examples of various applications and look at their meaning.

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How to operate AFM (with live demo)

Tuesday, 22 September, 2020

  • 13:30 pm
  • 10:30 am
    Islamabad, Pakistan
  • 11:00 am
    Bangalore, India
  • 16:30 pm
    Sydney, Australia

AFM Live demo

How to operate AFM

Since atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been developed, it becomes novel technique for surface investigation including topography and other material properties measurement. AFM shows high utilization in the research field due to complementary relationships with optical microscopy, electron microscopy and other measuring equipment.
In this session, the basic principles and the application of AFM which can be used in scientific and industrial fields are examined. In particular, we share the images measured by the actual atomic force microscope with specific examples of various applications and look at their meaning. In addition, we present how to operate AFM including cantilever selection, sample preparation, description of imaging parameters and operation in order to obtain better understanding for AFM. As the first session, AFM cantilever selection depends on sample type is one of the most important processes for the proper result. We review several representative AFM cantilevers and provide tips for how to choose AFM cantilever. Also, how to prepare your sample for AFM imaging, specific meaning of AFM parameters and their outputs are discussed using actual examples and pictures.
After oral session, AFM live demo using standard sample is prepared by Park Systems skillful engineer. During the AFM live demo session, hardware and software setup with Auto and Manual mode are presented for understanding of actual AFM measurement.

Presented By : 
Jake Kim, Application Technology Center Manager, Park Systems

Dr. Kim received Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He joined Tokyo Institute of Technology International Research Opportunities Program (TiROP) in 2014 and was engaged in nano-scale chemical composition analysis using scanning probe microscopy (SPM). From December 2017, he started to work in Park Systems as the manager of application technology center. He is specialized in the enhancement of nano-machanical measurement performance for Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), building up a accurate and reliable environment for electrochemical measurement using Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM; SECM,SECCM) and Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy (SICM) applications development for biology.




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Better in Vacuum – boosting the characterization of 2D semiconductors via electrical AFM in high vacuum

Thursday, 3 September 2020

  • 10:00 am – 11:30 am
    London, Dublin
  • 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
    Berlin, Paris, Rome
  • 18:00pm – 19:30 pm
    Seoul, Tokyo

With ever-decreasing device sizes in the semiconductor industry, the demand for functional materials with low dimensionality continues to grow. Since the discovery of graphene in 2004,1 2D materials have caught the interest of scientific and industrial research. Among 2D materials for semiconductor applications, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are particularly promising. However, TMDs often exhibit morphological features such as grain boundaries, which affect the electronic properties locally.2 Hence, characterization of TMDs requires techniques with high spatial resolution and sensitivity for electronic properties, including conductivity and surface potential. Atomic Force Microscopy not only offers topography imaging with local resolutions on the nanoscale, but also resolves electronic properties by scanning the surface with an electrically conductive tip.
In this webinar, we will demonstrate on Park’s NX Hivac how high vacuum (10-5 Torr) significantly improves the sensitivity and the resolution of electrical AFM modes on TMDs. The removal of the surface water layer leads to an improved electrical contact between tip and sample. At the same time, the vacuum environment prevents the adverse doping effect of the TMD material, which effectively lowers the material’s conductivity. Thereby, the local electronic characterization of TMDs can be pushed to the next level.

1.Novoselov, K. S. et al. Electric Field Effect in Atomically Thin Carbon Films. Science (80-. ). 306, 666 LP – 669 (2004).
2.Ludwig, J. et al. Effects of buried grain boundaries in multilayer MoS2. Nanotechnology 30, 285705 (2019).

Presented By : 
Ilka Hermes - Principle Scientist Park Systems Europe, Mannheim, Germany

Ilka is the principle scientist at Park Systems Europe, where she maintains and supports scientific collaborations to establish new research projects.
Prior, she worked at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (Main Germany) in the group of Stefan Weber to investigate perovskite solar cells with electrical Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) modes, and at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in the group of Angelika Kühnle to characterize liquid-solid interfaces with high resolution AFM. Ilka’s primary fields of expertise include Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM), Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KFM), and conductive AFM on semiconducting and/or ferroelectric devices.




​ 毎月お届けしておりますパーク・システムズNano academy、今回は 電気測定について特集します。電気測定は各AFMメーカー毎に少しずつ手法が異なります。 今回は電気力測定EFMと表面電位測定KPFMについてご紹介させていただきます。特に新しい手法である、サイドバンド・ケルビンプローブフォース顕微鏡(KPFM)は、従来のリフトモードや他のKPFMメソッドに比べ、高い分解能と感度の向上でトポグラフィーと表面電位の同時イメージングを実現します。この手法では、カンチレバーの共振でトポグラフィーが検出され、カンチレバーの共振周波数から数kHz離れた測波帯の周波数でKPFM信号が検出されます。これにより、両方の信号を同時に測定できるため、取得時間を大幅に短縮しながら、表面電位イメージングの感度を向上させることができます。 このウェビナーでは、パーク・システムズ独自の真のノンコンタクト™モードとの組み合わせだからこそできる新しい電気測定技術をご紹介いたします。


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